Friday, November 15, 2019

Ten days that shook the world!

By New Worker correspondent
Andy Brooks recalling the Soviet experience

The Russian revolution was, undoubtedly, the greatest event in the 20th century. Throughout the world communists celebrate its anniversary to salute the Bolsheviks that established the first workers and peasants’ republic in November 1917.
Last Saturday comrades and friends gathered at the New Communist Party’s (NCP) annual tribute to the Party of Lenin and Stalin that inevitably led to the end of the first world war and then went on to build the Soviet power that crushed Nazi Germany to end the second world conflict in 1945.
The New Worker print shop was once again transformed into a bar and buffet, which remained open before and after the formal part of the social that was opened by NCP National Chair, Alex Kempshall. NCP leader Andy Brooks and Dermot Hudson of the Korean Friendship Association (KFA) both spoke about different aspects of the achievements of the Soviet Union. Comrades were then invited to give their own take on the Soviet experience that was eventually brought down in 1991 by treacherous leaders in the service of imperialism.
Although the USSR and the people’s democracies of eastern Europe are no more, the spirit of 1917 lives on today in Cuba, Democratic Korea, China, Vietnam and Laos, and in the hearts of genuine communists throughout the world. The NCP is part of that movement, a point stressed by Theo Russell in a rousing call to support the fighting fund that raised £1,356 for the New Worker!

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