Saturday, May 23, 2020

Piers Corbyn arrested at anti-lockdown protest

 By New Worker correspondent

Piers Corbyn, the elder brother of former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, was arrested at an anti-lockdown demonstration in Hyde Park in London last weekend. He had refused to leave the area or provide his personal details to the police who were enforcing the current emergency regulations that ban gatherings of more than two people and enforce social distancing during the COVID-19 crisis.
Piers Corbyn was led away in handcuffs after he used a megaphone to tell a small crowd that 5G and the pandemic were linked, and lockdown was a “pack of lies to brainwash you and keep you in order”. Although Piers left the Labour Party in 2002 during the run-up to the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq, he has remained active in London street politics. A well-known Brexiteer and professional weather-forecaster, Piers Corbyn has also espoused so-called ‘libertarian’ causes such as climate-change denial and now, anti-lockdown protests.
He recently claimed that the Johnson government was using the lockdown to build a “new world order” that will see people injected with microchips for tracking.
Some 40 protesters gathered at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park to protest at the continuing lock-down called by the shadowy “UK Freedom Movement” for nation-wide “mass gatherings” against “mandatory vaccines” and the “unlawful lock-down” on Saturday. But few heeded the call of the social-media campaign that is clearly inspired by far-right militia movements which are making similar demands in the USA. Only six turned up in Southampton and the protest in Cardiff was attended by just two people – who had come from Bristol for the occasion.

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