Sunday, February 14, 2021

Chinese ambassador bids farewell

 Liu Xiaoming and Madame Hu Pinghua say goodbye
By New Worker correspondent

Chinese ambassador Liu Xiaoming has retired after a ground-breaking eleven years at his post in London. At an online farewell reception in January the Ambassador said it had been an honour for him to have worked and lived in the UK for eleven years and to become the longest-serving Chinese Ambassador both in the history of China-UK relations and of all Chinese ambassadors of all time, which he will cherish for the rest of his life.
    `    “These eleven years have seen tremendous changes in both China and the world, during which he has witnessed the historic leaps in China’s development, a new era for socialism with Chinese characteristics, historic changes in the relations between China and the rest of the world, and the ups and downs, and twists and turns in China-UK relations” Liu Xiaoming said at the event attended by over 500 guests including representatives of the British government, diplomats, businessmen and members of the Chinese community in Britain.
        Ambassador Liu expressed his sincere thanks to all the friends who have cared for and supported China’s development and China-UK friendship, and who have provided support and assistance to the Chinese Embassy and his work, and his appreciation to colleagues in the Chinese Embassy in the UK for their dedication and efficiency. He hoped that “China-UK friendship will last forever, China-UK cooperation will become deeper and wider, and China-UK relations will go steady and go far”.

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