Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Reclaim the NHS!

Outside the Royal Free
by New Worker correspondent

Londoners were out on the streets last weekend campaigning against NHS privatisation and the Health and Care Bill that is now going through Parliament. In north London demonstrators picketed outside the Royal Free hospital in Camden while others joined the national day of action for a rally organised by SOS NHS, Unite and many other organisations also included veterans who took part in the Save Lewisham Hospital campaign a few years ago. The campaign is calling on the government to invest in a fully publicly owned NHS & guarantee free healthcare for future generations and provide emergency funding of £20 billion to save lives this winter.
    SOS NHS said: "This will be the hardest winter ever in health and social care. We must act to
On the streets of Lewisham
safeguard services for patients and service users, boost staff morale and tackle the mental health crisis among health and care staff. Emergency funds must be secured now to avert disaster. That’s why we called a huge national Day of Action on Saturday 26 February with over 85 events throughout the UK.
"We must repair crumbling hospitals; restore NHS beds, recruit, retain, train and properly pay health and care staff; rebuild un­derfunded public health and GP services struggling to respond effectively to Covid; publicly fund a service for care and inde­pendent living support; and much more. The Health and Care Bill does none of these things. We need new legislation to secure a fully public NHS and end privatisation".

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