Sunday, August 07, 2022

Protesters demand justice in Lewisham

by Daphne Liddle

Protesters took action outside Lewisham police station in south London on Saturday to express outrage at a police sergeant who brutally beat up a black youth who resisted when the officer tried to take his bike away. The police say the bike was stolen but no evidence has emerged on that. There was a large crowd at the protest which included two local neighbours who witnessed and filmed the incident and passers by on foot and in cars gave noisy support.
    Police inside the station came out to assure the protesters they would not interfere with the sit-down and to let them know if anyone needed anything. Since they are now under Sadiq Khan’s special measures they seem a bit sheepish when one of their own just does not get the message. The boy who was assaulted was injured and an ambulance was called but the wait for it was so long he gave up and went home when he started to feel a bit better.

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