Sunday, September 04, 2022

Fascism will be defeated!

Alexei Albu
by New Worker correspondent

A very successful online meeting to mobilise international support for the Free the Kononovich Brothers campaign took place on Thursday 25th August, with 50 participants from Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the USA, England and Scotland. Organised by the London-based International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity campaign (IUAFS), the seminar called for the release of the Kononovich brothers and all Ukrainian political prisoners, and for the restoration of all political and media freedoms.
    Chaired by Theo Russell, the key speakers were: Chris Williamson, former Labour MP; Alexey Albu from Borotba (Struggle), a survivor of the 2014 Odessa Trade Union House Fire massacre; Steve Sweeney, Moscow-based investigative journalist and former Morning Star international editor; John Parker from Solidarity with Donbass and Antifascists in Ukraine (joining from Los Angeles); Phil Wilayto, Odessa Solidarity Campaign (Virginia USA); and members of the Young Communist League of the Russian Federation and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Speakers from Ukraine and the Donbas were unable to take part due to interrupted internet connections.
    Chris Williamson said that: "The imprisonment of the Kononovich brothers should have caused an outcry from the British left, but it has been met with a stony silence. We know the Zelensky regime is corrupt regime that came to power in a US-backed coup.” Speaking about the energy payments crisis currently shaking Britain, he commented that "most people aren’t making the connection between the sanctions on Russia and the soaring price of energy".
    In a video message from Eastern Ukraine, Alexey Albu spoke of the large-scale persecution of dissidents in Ukraine and said "tens of thousands have been arrested by the SBU (Ukrainian secret service)”. He said that many were not as well-known as the Kononovich brothers, Alexander Matyushenko of the left Livitstya movement or the Vasily Volga of the Union of Left Forces, all of whom have been beaten and tortured by Nazis. He added that in newly liberated areas the graves of those murdered by Nazis since 2014 are being exhumed. He said: "I believe that we will win and that fascism will be defeated, but I would be very happy if you comrades could help us in this process. No Pasaran!"
    Speaking from Moscow, Steve Sweeney spoke about the brutal crackdown on the opposition in Ukraine and said: "The entire Ukrainian left are either in prison, they’re dead or they’re in hiding.” He added that people in Moscow were "still reeling from the murder of Darya Dugina, who was killed in a cowardly attack" and compared the gloating in the western media over her assassination with their reaction to what they termed the "terrorist attack" on Salman Rushdie.

The IUAFS is a united front supported by the NCP, Socialist Fight, Consistent Democrats and the British Posadists as well as individual labour movement activists.Videos of the key speakers are now up on the new IUAFS YouTube Channel


  1. Anonymous4:10 pm

    Солидарность трудящихся, коммунистов и левых сил России, международного рабочего и коммунистического движения с борьбой трудящихся, коммунистов, левых и демократических сил Украины против политических репрессий и террора режима буржуазно-националистической реакции и неофашистских националистов-бандеровцев!

    Нет политическим репрессиям и террору реакционного буржуазно-националистического режима Украины и неофашистов-бандеровцев против народных масс, трудящихся, левых,антифашистских, демократических и буржуазно-демократических сил Украины!

    Рот Фронт! Rote Front! Свободу политзаключенным трудящимся, коммунистам, социалистам, демократам, буржуазным демократам и антифашистам Украины-узникам и жертвам политических репрессий и террора режима буржуазно-националистической реакции и неофашистских националистов-бандеровцев!

    "Товарищи в тюрьмах, в застенках холодных,
    Вы с нами, вы с нами, хоть нет вас в колоннах!
    Не страшен нам белый фашистский террор!"

    Гимн Коминтерна.

    Вечная слава и память трудящимся, коммунистам, социалистам, демократам и антифашистам Украины, ДНР и ЛНР- жертвам политических репрессий и террора режима буржуазно-националистической реакции и неофашистских националистов-бандеровцев!

  2. Thank you for your powerful and fraternal comments, Comrade Anonymous! They are greatly appreciated. From International Ukraine Anti Fascist Solidarity.
