Saturday, April 22, 2023

No Depleted Uranium to Ukraine!

by New Worker correspondent

NCP leader Andy Brooks joined demonstrators in Whitehall last week protesting against the British government’s decision to supply of depleted uranium shells to Ukraine. The shells are for the Challenger tanks Sunak is sending to Kiev to prop up the Zelensky regime’s fight against the Russians who intervened last year to defend the Donbas people’s republics and help the Ukrainian anti-fascist resistance.
    The picket opposite the prime minister’s residence in Downing Street that caught the attention of tourists and homeward bound commuters on Wednesday was called by the International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity campaign (IUAFS) and supported by the No2Nato and other anti-war movements. Theo Russell, the IUAFS campaign organiser, was interviewed by Russia Today (RT) through a live-broadcast link from Moscow to London. The protest was filmed by camera teams from the TASS Russian news agency and RUPTLY, an RT subsidiary, who later interviewed Theo Russell and Andy Brooks for other programmes.
    Depleted uranium (DU) is both chemically and radiologically toxic. Used in battle it is spread throughout the environment including the soil and water tables, and remains radioactive for more than 4.5 billion years. Significant increases in horrific birth defects, leukaemia and other cancers, kidney damage, and mental illness in children have been recorded in areas where DU munitions were used.

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