Sunday, August 27, 2023

Gerald George Shaw

George Shaw

London comrades and friends were saddened to hear of the passing of George Shaw, a veteran campaigner who was a stalwart supporter of the people of the Donbas and often seen on protest pickets outside the American and south Korean embassy.
    Gerald George Shaw was born in November 1936. He grew into a young man interested in engineering. During his years in the car industry, he became a Labour Party member, a militant trade unionist and a supporter of the British Posadist movement in theTrotskyist Fourth International
He moved to London in the mid-1970s, settling in Wembley. He joined the Brent Trades Council, supported the striking Grunwick workers and helped the Kilburn Unemployed Working Group in their many campaigns against inhuman treatment by the DWP.
    George moved to Barnet in more recent years, where he died on 27 July 2023. He represented Unite on the Barnet Trades Council and as a Labour Party member, he defended the comrades of the Labour Against the Witch-hunt. He repudiated the fraudulent conflation between anti-Zionism and antisemitism.
    As a Republican, George helped present the thesis by Bruno Leipold: Citizen Marx and Republic. In later years he joined the International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity front (IUAFS) where he denounced NATO as the warmonger that uses Ukraine as a platform for its war on Russia, China and their allies. Despite his age and health issues he joined numerous protest auctions in solidarity with the victims of the fascist-backed coup in February 2014 and the tragic events which followed.
    George's communist confidence in humanity lives on through the continuation of our struggle for justice and equality without which there will never be peace.

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