Monday, September 25, 2023

Warmonger Britain - Stop Arming Zelensky!

by New Worker correspondent

London comrades were back in Whitehall last weekend demanding an end to British military aid to Ukraine. The protest picket, called by the International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity campaign (IUAFS) was covered by the Arab and Russian media. The Lebanese satellite TV news channel, Al Mayadeen, broadcast interviews with NCP leader Andy Brooks and Theo Russell, the national organiser of the IUAFS and Theo was later interviewed by Russia Today (RT).
In the past 20 years Britain has joined wars, regime changes and covert interventions which have brought death, destruction and chaos around the world, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Hong Kong, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Belarus. Today the British ruling class is virtually at war with Russia in Ukraine, while desperately trying to organise subversion in Russia and Belarus.
Britain has worked with reactionary Islamic terrorists around the world, and with resurgent fascists in Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic States to further its imperialist aims.
British weapons are being used by the openly Nazi Azov regiment, while on the eve of Ukraine's major offensive against the Donbas republics on 17 February 2022 the UK military were training Ukraine's National Guard, which includes a thousand-strong neo-Nazi unit.
Boris Johnson himself led the way to sabotage the Istanbul peace agreement in April 2022, which we now know was very close to completion. Now Britain is coming under attack even in Kiev for sabotaging the talks, considering the enormous losses Ukrainians have suffered for effectively fighting on NATO's behalf.
According to Tony Brenton, the former UK ambassador to Moscow, Britain is the most aggressive of all the NATO members in Ukraine. He told BBC Radio 4 in May: "We have more special forces in Ukraine than any other NATO country. We are seen as an absolute hawk up there with the Poles and the Baltic states." 
Vladimir Zelensky's Jewish heritage has not prevented him from allying with the fascist Banderite gangs in Ukraine. On 14th  August he posted a video on his Telegram channel showing him meeting Ukraine's top neo-Nazi Andriy Biletsky, founder of the Azov Battalion and the Hitler-worshipping Right Sector. Biletsky famously declared in 2010 that the Ukrainian nation's mission was to "lead the white races of the world in a final crusade ... against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]". Now he claims not to be a fascist, and that this quote was fabricated - conveniently for Kiev's NATO backers!

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