Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Free Palestine echoes across London!

By Dermot Hudson

On Saturday 14 October at least 150,000 people marched through the heart of London in support of the rights of Palestinian people and for an end to Israel’s war on the people of Gaza. The demo was massive. It was the biggest march seen in the capital since the US-led invasion of Iraq. It took over two hours for the march to travel the short distance from Portland Place to Whitehall for a rally addressed by a number of speakers including former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
When you consider that the march was called at comparatively short notice the turnout seems even more impressive and shows that people are not fooled by the 24/7 Zionist propaganda of the mainstream media .
There was a sea of red ,black , green and white Palestine flags . Also to be seen were some Turkish and Pakistani flags. Regrettably one “Free Syria “ flag and one ISIS banner were also to be seen. Of course Korean solidarity campaigners carried  a DPR Korea flag and a Cuban flag was also spotted. It was good that there were no Ukraine flags to be seen!
The marchers, who chanted ‘Free Palestine ‘ and ‘ From the rivers to the sea Palestine shall be free’ along the way were subjected to massive police surveillance with police helicopters whirling noisily overhead and police camera teams photographing and videoing people. We noticed a police horse transporter and units of the police Territorial Support Group ( a successor to the discredited ‘Special Patrol Group )on standby . However there was none of the violence or rioting that the right-wing twitterati and some in the mainstream media predicted.

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