Saturday, February 10, 2024

Gaza: Stop the Genocide!

By New Worker correspondent

London comrades joined over the 200,000-strong march through central London in solidarity with the Palestinian people last weekend while thousands of others took part in similar demonstrations throughout the country. The march came in the wake of the interim ruling against Israel by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that found South Africa’s case – that “Israel …. is engaging in …genocidal acts against the Palestinian people in Gaza” – to be plausible, it also found evidence of the risk of further acts of genocide to be sufficient for the court to order interim measures to prevent such acts. But the Sunak Government has shamefully downplayed the ruling’s significance and urgency to join the Americans and their other lackeys in suspending funding to UNRWA, which plays a crucial role in providing essential services to Palestinian refugees in Gaza and elsewhere across the region.

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