Friday, March 01, 2024

Stop NATO’s war in Ukraine!

By New Worker correspondent

Simultaneous protests were held in London, Berlin and Paris on Saturday to draw attention to the links between NATO aggression in Ukraine, Gaza and Yemen. The London protest took place in Parliament Square and attracted support from many passers by and international tourists, several of whom actually joined the protestors.
While Western governments, now with the greater involvement of Britain and France, have supported Kiev regime with billions in weapons and money, they have done nothing to stop Israel committing open genocide in Gaza, with hospitals and civilians deliberately targeted over 10,000 children killed, and chaos, disease and starvation affecting Gaza's million people.
Britain, France and the US are still sending weapons to Israel, and while they condemned recent Russian missile strikes in Ukraine, they have looked the other way while Israel deliberately targets civilians in Gaza.
The whole world is witness to Israel’s war crimes, and the hypocrisy of Western governments who support, arm and finance both Ukraine and Israel, who unilaterally bomb Yemen with no UN or other international sanction, and say nothing when Israel repeatedly carries out air strikes and assassinations in Lebanon and Syria. 
International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity (IUAFS) has been campaigning for six years in solidarity with anti-fascists in Ukraine, thousands of whom have paid with their lives, torture or prison for resisting the regime installed in 2014 with the support of Britain, the USA and the European Union. Its activists have taken part  in every protest since 7th October in solidarity with the people of Palestine and the Gaza Strip.

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