Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Free Gaza! Free Palestine!

By New Worker correspondent

Over 200,000 people took to the streets of London on Saturday to support the Palestinian Arabs and demand an end to the carnage in Gaza – a demand echoed  in demos and protests in cities, towns and villages organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and other solidarity and anti-war movements throughout the country.
At the rally Husam Zomlot, the Palestinian ambassador in London said " I am running out of words, not only to describe the horror we are witnessing every single day. No. I am running out of words to help me understand how world leaders and how the mainstream media cannot see, cannot report, cannot act. 
“I have questions. How do they sleep? 
 “How do they sleep when they see the pictures of emaciated, skeletal children shaking with fear dying of an engineered famine in Gaza? 
 “How can they sleep when they see the child Ahmed al-Najjar, just 18 months old, beheaded in Rafah by a US-made bomb? 
 “I know I can’t sleep. I can’t get Ahmed’s image out of my head! Why are those pictures not on your front pages every day?”

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