Sunday, June 30, 2024

Stop the War in Ukraine!

By New Worker correspondent

London comrades joined a picket in Whitehall last week calling for an end to British weapons supplies to Ukraine, and for Ukraine’s puppet leader, Vladimir Zelensky, to step down to make way for talks to end the war in Ukraine. NCP leader Andy Brooks and other activists were interviewed by RT, the Russian TV news channel, during the early evening protest opposite the Prime Minister’s residence in Downing Street.
The demonstrators highlighted the grave dangers in the current battlefield situation of an all-out NATO war against Russia, sparked by support from some hotheads in the Western alliance for weapons they are supplying to be used in strikes deep inside the Russian Federation. This  was the latest initiative of the International Ukraine Anti Fascist Solidarity (IUAFS) campaign which has been supporting the people of the Donbas and the anti-fascist Ukrainian resistance on the street since 2014.
Zelensky’s electoral mandate in 2019 – won by promising to end the war in the Donbas – expired last month, and under the Ukrainian constitution he is no longer the country's sovereign representative. Any peace agreement has to involve the Russian Federation as the war is in reality a NATO proxy war against Russia, and that genuine negotiations to end the war in Ukraine must acknowledge Russia's fundamental security interests.

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