Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Camden Action for Palestine!

By New Worker correspondent

Activists from the Camden Palestine Solidarity Campaign marched from Camden Town to a Barclays Bank in Central London to demand it ceases its massive loans and investments to the criminal Israeli state. The protest came ten days or so after the then US president, Joe Biden, approved the resumption of deliveries of 500 pound bombs to Israel, followed shortly afterwards by Israeli attacks on two schools and a hospital in which dozens died. While Biden and Sir Keir Starmer reacted with outrage to Ukrainian lies about a Russian strike on a children's hospital in Kiev, promising more air defences for Ukraine, they had nothing to say about Israel's atrocities in Gaza in which hundreds of civilians are dying every week. On a more positive note, for the past three weeks the assortment of Zionist fanatics, EDL “football lads” types and Iranian monarchists have given up on their counter protests. 

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Palestine – we will not be silenced!

By New Worker correspondent

Palestine Solidarity Campaign activists marched once again last Saturday from Camden Town to Barclays Bank in Tottenham Court Road, where the Barclays branch has been forced to close on Saturdays after weeks of protests.
Luca Salice from the Camden Palestine Solidarity Campaign urged the activists to join the national Gaza protest two days after the General Election, saying "It's very important that we tell the new government that we are here, that we are in solidarity with the Palestinians, that we are against genocide, that we are against the slaughter if children, of women, the destruction of schools, hospitals, universities and places of worship."
Sabi Sagal, a British Jew with family in Israel, said "I'm old enough to remember the Nakba in 1948, I was ten years old, and we were lied to. The Zionists put out the false narrative that the Arab armies had invaded Palestine to drive the Jews into the sea. The reality was the opposite – it was the Zionists who drove out three quarters of the Palestinian people into the desert. It was an Israeli professor, Benny Morant, who finally told the truth when he said ‘Yes, we drove the Palestinians out, we had to do so, otherwise we wouldn't have the state of Israel’. He was honest, he was an honest Zionist. What the Israelis are doing now is to complete the ethnic cleansing begun in 1948.
"We often hear the term Apartheid used in relation to Israel, but in fact Israel is much worse than Apartheid South Africa. But it's very important that we're protesting outside Barclays, it was when Barclays Bank was forced to withdraw their investments from South Africa that the Apartheid regime fell in the early 90s. Let's do the same again now, let's force Barclays to withdraw its financial support for Israel, and let's end all the arms that enable Israel to kill and murder Palestinians in their thousands".
Jonathan Fluxman, a health worker from South Africa, pointed out that "even if there are not many of us here today, it's still important that we're here outside Barclays, because all of these people around us can see and hear us."
The Camden protest was one of seven across London and 28 across Britain last Saturday, as far apart as Plymouth and the Orkney Islands. These weekly protests have now been taking place for 38 weeks. Palestine campaigners did not expect, or want, this campaign to be needed after so long. 
Until recently frenzied efforts were being made by government ministers and the media to label these actions as "pro-terrorist", and the police came under intense pressure to close them down.  But in the last few months the political establishment and mass media have tried a new tactic, erecting a 'wall of silence'  on the protest movement in an attempt to suffocate it. But there is no sign of the numbers taking to the streets for an end to the genocide in Gaza going down.
As one of the slogans coined during this incredible protest movement which millions have joined in Britain says: "We are the people – We won't be silenced!"

US out of Korea!

by New Worker correspondent

Korean solidarity activists were outside the US embassy in London on Saturday to demand an end to the American occupation of south Korea. London comrades, including NCP leader Andy Brooks, joined in the protest called by the Korean Friendship Association (KFA) in solidarity with the DPR Korea and all the Korean people campaigning to end the imperialist partition of their country. 
US imperialism and its south Korean lackeys attempted to invade Democratic Korea on 25th June 1950. Millions died in the war that ended with an armistice in 1953. But Korea remains partitioned with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) ringed by the nuclear arsenals of US imperialism and facing tens of thousands of American troops based in the south of the divided peninsula.
Every year the anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War is marked by the start of the month of solidarity with the Korean people. In Britain, and throughout the rest of the world, Korean solidarity campaigners meet to demand an end to the American occupation of south Korea and the reunification of the country that has been divided since the end of the Korean War.
“We are here today picketing the US embassy because a few days ago, on Tuesday 25th June, it was the 74th anniversary of the provocation of the Korean War which is known as the Fatherland Liberation War in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” said Dermot Hudson, the Chairman of the KFA. 
“The war was not a war between Koreans but between a small country, the DPRK, and the American empire. Indeed it was a war against Korea, against the Korean people.
“The US imperialists, the ringleader of world imperialism and international reactionaries, provoked a war in Korea on the 25th June 1950 by instigating their south Korean puppets to attack the young DPR Korea. The US imperialists were hungry for profits and conquest. The US imperialists fought an unjust, aggressive war against the Korean people. The US imperialists launched a war of conquest against the DPRK , a war to destroy the Juche-based people's democratic system in the DPRK as well as to destroy socialism in Asia and the world.
“We are here to defend the right of the DPRK to exist, to defend its independence, it is time to take a real stand and defend People's Korea from the threat of US aggression. The US is quite openly threatening the DPRK with annihilation, with being "eliminated" from the face of the globe.
“All the time, the US, even as we stand here, the US imperialists are planning regime change in People’s Korea and to overthrow the socialist system”.

Welcoming visitors from Tibet!

by New Worker correspondent

NCP leader Andy Brooks joined friends and comrades to meet a delegation from Xizang, the modern term for Tibet, this week. The reception at the Chinese embassy’s Science Section in north London revolved around the theme of "A Beautiful and Happy Xizang" with a screening of a film about traditional Tibetan medicine and the new life that the people enjoy in the autonomous region on the roof of the world. This was followed by greetings from the Xizang delegation in a room decorated with traditional Tibetan scroll paintings.
Since the peaceful liberation of Xizang in 1951 and the suppression of the Dalai Lama’s imperialist inspire rebellion in 1959 the democratic reforms under the leadership of the Communist Party of China have led to earth-shaking changes in Xizang. The people – poverty-stricken serfs under the feudal regime of the Dalai Lama – now enjoy their fundamental rights in all spheres. 
Public health services have been elevated to a higher level in Xizang. The region provides a comprehensive public health-care system covering regular basic medical services, maternity and childcare, disease prevention and control, and Tibetan medicine and therapies.
Xizang is home to 49 public institutions of Tibetan medicine, and 94.4 per cent of township health centres and 42.4 per cent of village health clinics in the autonomous region offer Tibetan medicine services. Tibetan medicines are now being produced on a commercial basis, and the production of the medicine has been standardised and regulated.
The online Chinese Tibetan Medicine Database Platform was officially launched last year. It aims to combine, preserve and utilise the Tibetan medicine resources through modern technology. Tibetan medicine is a part of the Tibetan culture and a pearl in the traditional Chinese medicine. The digitisation of these resources is significant in standardising Tibetan medicine and preserving Tibetan culture. 

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Starmer wins as Tories crash!

by New Worker correspondent

Rishi Sunak has resigned. Tory biggies, including Grant Shapps, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Liz Truss, have lost their seats. Plaid Cymru surges forward but the Scottish nationalist vote slumps. The Liberal-Democrats bounce back with 71 seats – their best result for a hundred years. The Greens are up from one to four. Jeremy Corbyn successfully staves off the Starmer machine. George Galloway doesn’t. Four other independents from the Muslim community take seats from Labour on Palestine solidarity platforms and Reform enters parliament for the first time with Nigel Farage at the helm.
Tory grandees are now scrabbling around to look for a new leader as Labour prepares for the Starmer era following a landslide victory of Blairite proportions in the general election.
Labour trounced the Tories this week winning 412 seats in the House of Commons that gives a huge parliamentary majority of 174. But Labour’s triumphant return owes much more to the Tory collapse than to anything Sir Keir Starmer had to offer. The turn-out was down – possibly the lowest since the Second World War and Labour’s share was only around 36 per cent – much lower than Tony Blair’s victory in 1997. And if Starmer & Co refuse to change course over Palestine the rift with the younger generation, the Muslim community and the left as a whole will only widen.
Labour lost four seats to pro-Palestinian independent candidates and faced serious challenges in several others including Starmer’s own London seat where a pro-Palestinian activist came second with 18.9 per cent of the vote. “Labour need to take the votes lost over Gaza as seriously as we took the loss of red wall” said Blair’s former adviser John McTernan as the results came in on Friday morning. 
"The work of change begins immediately" Starmer said soon after he moved into Downing Street though this would not be as simple as "flicking a switch". Platitudes come easy to a man like Starmer who spoke of the need for schools and affordable homes and vowed to "rebuild" the country's "infrastructure of opportunity...brick by brick" to meet the "challenges of an insecure world".
Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader who defeated a Starmer stooge to keep his Islington seat as an independent,  said Starmer “will have a very large majority in parliament, he has put forward a manifesto that is thin to put it mildly and doesn’t offer a serious economic alternative to what the Conservative government is doing. And so the demands on him are going to be huge, the demands from the people are going to be huge.
“If you don’t give yourself space, to increase spending on the desperate social needs, I mentioned the two-child policy, but there are plenty of others, then I think there are going to be political problems. He must have known this when he agreed this manifesto which is a bit of a straitjacket around any proposals he may want to push forward.
“If the government ends the two-child benefit cap for example, hallelujah! I will be delighted. But if they don’t, I’ll be there, saying: why haven’t you done it? If they bring in rent controls in the private sector, well done. If they don’t, I’ll be there. Because this is a vote to show that people do want a true and independent voice in parliament to speak up for social justice”.