ANTI-FASCIST singer Billy Bragg this week, in the run-up to the 4th May local elections, launched a Hope Not Hate Tour to oppose British National Party election endeavours – with the backing of a House of Commons motion.
The Commons motion, and the Hope Not Hate campaign, is being driven by Dagenham Labour MP Jon Cruddas with the support of MP’s from the West Midlands, the East Midlands, the North West, the North East and Yorkshire – all areas where the BNP are running candidates and where the Billy Bragg tour will roll into town offering an alternative to the hate, division and violence of the BNP.
The Hope Not Hate tour is backed by four of the country’s biggest and most powerful trade unions – Amicus, GMB, the RMT and Unison – along with the campaigning organisations Unite Against Fascism, Searchlight, Love Music Hate Racism and Glastonbury Festival’s Left Field.
Jon Cruddas said: “The Hope Not Hate tour will give a real boost to the campaign against the BNP in the regions where they are touting their racist poison. The trade union movement has risen to the challenge thrown down by the BNP and will be mobilising their members under the Hope Not Hate banner.”
Billy Bragg said: “In my home town, Barking, we’ve organised and begun to turn the tide on the BNP. It couldn’t have been done without the support of the unions. If you want to know what trade unions are all about, it’s not just what happens in the workplace, it’s about building communities – communities where people can live side by side in peace and prosperity.”
Further information: Geoff Martin 07831 465 103 or 020 8644 2965. Hope Not Hate tour dates at
the website of the London District of the New Communist Party of Britain, PO Box 73, London SW11 2PQ
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