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Friday, December 30, 2011
NEPAL: The objective conditions still exist for the revolution
by Theo Russell
A member of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
politburo, Indra Mohan Sigdel or ‘Basanta’, addressed a meeting in London
last week, organised by Second Wave
Publications, about the “line struggle” taking place in the party, following a
series of setbacks to the cause of advancing to a national democratic
revolution. Since the end of the war led by the UCPN (M) – formerly the
Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) - and the abolition of the monarchy in 2008,
splits have appeared in the party over the implementation of peace agreements
and Comrade Prachanda’s leadership of the UCPN (M).
In his talk Indra Mohan Sigdel made these points:
“Mao said that with a correct political line, you will have
everything: you will have an army, and you will have state power, you will have
all of these. But without the correct political line, you will lose all of
“Today we see that whatever we had, we have lost. In this
case Mao has been proved correct.
“When we started our struggle we didn’t have a single rifle
which worked. We had four rifles which didn’t work. But we were able to seize
power in the countryside, organise mass support in the towns and cities, and
get rid of the monarchy.
“Our army has been dissolved in the name of integration, but
this is in fact a surrender. Our fighters were about to defeat the Nepalese
Army. But the revolutionary cause ten years of struggle has not been given up.
The whole party has not surrendered. The whole party has not become
“Now the situation is very difficult, but there is still the
possibility that the political struggle will continue until victory. It may
take a few years, but the struggle will continue uninterrupted.
“In 2008 our tactics were successful when the first meeting
of the Constituent Assembly abolished the monarchy, and we got a democratic
republic. But after this advance the leadership never thought of developing the
national democratic revolution. What we have achieved is still a reactionary
“At the Kharipati Convention held on November 2008 there
were very sharp divisions in the party.
Prachanda proposed a ‘people’s federal democratic republic’, but the leadership
never tried to implement this in practice, and the struggle started again. We developed
our plan and had to develop new tactics to achieve the people’s democratic
“At a three month-long CC meeting in mid-2009 Prachanda
finally agreed that a people’s insurrection is a must to establish the people’s
federal republic. Will this be peaceful? No, it can never be peaceful, it has
to be armed insurrection. The theory that armed struggle is necessary is still
“At the Sukute standing committee last April 3 Bhattarai
(now the UCPN(M) prime minister of Nepal)
said we can’t make a revolution now, we need to stop and prepare the ground, to
integrate the army and write the best possible constitution and then move ahead.
“Prachanda accused him of ‘right deviation’ and being a
‘national capitalist’, and pretended to be revolutionary. But history shows us
that no party which has entered into bourgeois government has gone on to create
a revolution.
“Later Prachanda, Bhattarai and the other leaders agreed a
four point programme: a constitution based on a ‘democratic republic’; an
extradition treaty with India; an Indian military and air force presence in
Nepal, to protect Indian projects; and ‘relief’ measures, which meant that land
seized by the peasants was to be returned to the former landowners, with
“The call was issued to resist and take the land back. So
far land is being seized and seized back again with no violence, but when they
commit to implementing the line, the police and army will be deployed.
“We had built up a strong military force which was an inspiration
to the people does not exist, actually it has been eliminated.
“Under the agreement our fighters going into the army will
have to undergo a ‘bridge’ course run by the army, and those who are
unsuccessful will be sent home without a penny.
“This shows that with a correct political line we gained so
much, when we took the wrong political line, we lost everything.
“From this point two lines of struggle and two opposed
positions have emerged in the party. Now
we are in a situation where the people can see the contradictions, and
those comrades taking a revolutionary line are gaining support, which is a good
“This will take a long time, but the objective conditions
still exist for the revolution. We are now taking our political programme and
political education to cadres across the entire country.
“To ensure power, we have to create another PLA,
and that PLA has to seize power. The
question is how we can sustain our revolution. We are being encircled by
imperialist powers, and there are no revolutionary countries nearby.
“We agree with Lenin that it is possible to make a
revolution in one country, but the question is can we sustain the revolution.
“Armed insurrection is definitely the most important factor,
but the question is how to bring this about. Overall conditions are
increasingly favourable because the contradictions and class struggle are
sharpening in the capitalist countries, but the question is how to deal with
this situation.
“If we eventually achieve the revolution, then definitely
the state will be led by the proletariat, but until that time power will be
held by all the people, as Mao said.
“But the situation is very very difficult and very
sensitive. This line struggle is going deep into class struggle, it will
produce a result and show the way forward.
In an article last September, Basanta provided further
detail on the ideological struggle taking place in the UCPN(M).
“The ideological struggle in our party has now been
manifested in two lines, Marxism or reformism, and it has centred on
ideological, political and organisational lines.
“The Party did not have any tactics through a period of
almost a year after the democratic republic
of Nepal was declared. In the
situation when the old tactics were over and the new ones was not taken up it
was obvious the party had no plan to go
forward, except cycling around the parliamentary exercise.
“Finally, elucidating that Nepal
was still a semi-feudal and semi-colonial country and the federal democratic
republic was a reactionary political system, the party adopted a new tactic, a
people’s federal republic, to accomplish the new democratic revolution. This
tactic is still valid and is awaiting its execution.
“On May 1st 2010,
the party declared from the stadium at Tundikhel, Kathmandu
that an indefinite strike would be continued until it culminated in a people’s
insurrection, through which Nepalese people become the masters of state power.
“This brought about unprecedented enthusiasm among the broad
masses. But strangely, after less than two weeks; the strike was suddenly
brought to a stop, which did nothing other than bring about complete demoralisation
among the people.
“The ideological struggle that had started from Kharipati
reached its climax after the indefinite strike was stopped. Everyone from our
leaders to cadres, as well the Nepalese masses, is aware of the height of the
Palungtar debate held in November 2010.
“The two-line struggle being waged after Kharipati took a
different turn after the standing committee meeting held at Sukute.
Essentially, the contradiction between reform in essence and revolution in form
that existed in our party leadership was resolved at Sukute.
“It is clear that the new democratic revolution in Nepal
is now on the threshold of counter-revolution. It is being manifested in the
danger of surrendering the PLA in the name
of army integration, and in writing document of compromise with the comprador,
bureaucratic capitalists and feudalists, in the name of building consensus.
“If army integration is carried out in a capitulationist way
and if a document of compromise is adopted in the name of writing a constitution,
it will be an outright counter-revolution.”
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Justice for Joe Paraskeva
by New Worker correspondent
Joe's mother with Diane Abbott |
LINDA MORGAN last Saturday, along with her MP Diane Abbott,
led a demonstration to present a petition at Downing Street
calling for justice for her mentally ill son, Joe Paraskeva, who has been given
an indeterminate prison sentence.
Joe was jailed after
using an aerosol can and cigarette lighter to try to escape from a mental
health unit in which he had been sectioned in October 2010.
Even though Joe had
no previous convictions and a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, he was sent to
prison, and his family have no idea when he might be released.
Joe was recently
transferred to the John Howard Centre forensic unit in Hackney, but his mother
fears he may be moved back to prison at any time.
The 6,000-signature
petition calls for Joe's case to be reviewed, for his conviction to be
overturned and for him to receive proper care, as a mental health patient,
within the NHS.
Just before the event
Ms Morgan said: "We are going to Downing Street
today not only to campaign for Joe, but to address a huge injustice in both the
NHS and the criminal justice system.
These failings allow
the most vulnerable in society to be punished rather than helped. Prison is not
a safe or therapeutic environment for people suffering with mental health problems
and should not be used as a dumping ground.
Joe's case is only
one example; there are many other families out there who have been through
similar experiences. Anyone who has a mental illness deserves to be safely
cared for, not thrown into prison."
The Justice for Joe
campaign is being supported by a number of major mental health and criminal
justice organisations including, Sane, Mind, Rethink Mental Illness, The Manic
Depressive Fellowship, YoungMinds, The Howard League for Penal Reform and The
Prison Reform Trust.
Free Shaker Aamer!
DOZENS of people gathered in Whitehall,
opposite Downing Street, last Saturday to demand action
from the Government to take action to secure the release of Shaker Aamer, who
is still held in the Guantánamo prison by the United
States government.
Shaker Aamer has been
held in the Guantánamo Bay
concentration camp since 2002. He is a legal permanent resident of Britain,
married to a British national, with four British children living in London.
Shaker has long been
cleared for release by the United States,
never been charged by the United States
with a crime and has never received a trial.
Reprieve Director
Clive Stafford Smith visited Shaker in November 2011 and on departure,
immediately penned a letter to Foreign Secretary William Hague listing numerous
physical ailments that Shaker suffers – a list that had just been cleared
through the US
censorship process.
The letter calls for
Shaker's release and meanwhile Shaker waits alone in his cell, officially cleared
of wrongdoing, but still paying the cruellest of costs for his kindness to
Protesters at
Saturday’s event read out the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, on the 63rd anniversary of its adoption by the United
Time to boot out Boris!
By a New Worker correspondent
London students
demonstrated outside King’s College last week in protest at a “Back Boris
Student Bootcamp” meeting called to support the Tory London Mayor’s campaign
for another term next year. About twenty students, some wearing spoof Boris
Johnson masks assembled outside the main university entrance in the Strand to
show their opposition to the meeting organised by Conservative Future, the
youth wing of the Tory party in a protest called by Occupy London protest
movement that has led the tent protests in Finsbury Square and St Paul’s
Emma Stanton, student and
supporter of Occupy London said: “Boris Johnson is the Mayor of the one per
cent, the privileged few. This bootcamp is an attempt to prettify and
legitimise the brutal Tory agenda, which has having a devastating impact upon
students and young Londoners. By pricing Londoners out of education, the Tories
are taking away not only the opportunities and ability of an entire generation,
but they are dealing a severe blow to the economy which grows with an educated
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Build on strike success
GENERAL Secretary Brendan Barber called it “a terrific success”. Prime Minister
David Cameron says it was a "damp squib". But the public sector
strike that shut down over two-thirds of all schools and paralysed local
government throughout Britain
was anything but the futile exercise Cameron would have his followers believe.
Last November's
national strike certainly shook the Cameron government. Millions of workers
went on strike on 30th November despite the best efforts of the
Tories and their Liberal Democrat collaborators to split and divide the unions
in the run-up to Pension Justice Day.
The protest strike and the demonstrations
across the country in support of the TUC’s
day of action were supported by 30 unions, representing over two million
teachers, health workers, civil servants and local authority workers. The
industrial action, the biggest in British labour history, was a powerful
display of the strength of organised labour that reflected the growing mass support
for the campaign against the Coalition Government’s attempts to cut pensions
and pension rights to pay for the deficit caused by the slump across the entire
capitalist world.
ruling class claims that we are all in this together. But their parasitical
lives of luxury and ease continue unscathed while working people face a future
of unemployment, poverty and homelessness.
worthless people, even now, are not even prepared to see a serious tax on their
profits or income to cushion the blow to the working class, who create all the
wealth in the first place.
Their media pundits claim that austerity is
the only way out of the crisis but they say nothing about the billions spent on
the wars in Afghanistan
and Libya or
the billions that the ruling class will just as easily find for their planned
attacks on Syria
and Iran. In
fact there is only one way out of the capitalist crisis and that is socialism
and the planned economy that does away with exploitation and oppression
can bleat all he likes about improved offers, continuing negotiations and that
strikes achieve nothing. But everybody on the front-line of the cuts offensive
knows that any crumbs the Cameron Coalition puts on the table for some workers
will be paid for by robbing others and that the Government is determined to
force public sector workers to work longer and pay more into pensions that will
be worth much less than what they were promised when they were first employed.
The intensification
of the Government’s draconian austerity programme and its decision to cap
public sector pay rises to one per cent for the next two years shows that
Cameron & Co have no intention of backing down in their determination to
make working people foot the entire bill for the capitalist crisis. And we will
pay for the slump in lost jobs, fewer benefits and poorer services if we don’t
fight back.
Last week must
only be the beginning of a mass campaign to resist the cuts every inch of the
way and to mobilise the labour movement for greater national actions to bring
down the Government to force new elections and the return of a Labour
leadership committed to supporting the just demands of organised labour.
New peace camp ban
by New Worker correspondent
THE LONDON Borough of Westminster last week passed a
new by-law in order to demolish the Parliament Square
peace camp and to ban protesters from a large part of central London.
The council aims to
clear the area in time for the Olympics.
The by-law gives Westminster
council the power to clear 15 streets around the square as well as other nearby
footways, pavements and gardens.
The law marks the
final act in a 10-year occupation that began when anti-war campaigner Brian Haw
set up camp. The council regarded it as an eyesore and national disgrace.
The law, which makes
it an offence not to comply with the order to remove a tent, should be in place
by March, meaning the square would be cleared in time for London 2012.
Maria Gallastegui,
53, who has been camped outside Parliament Square
protesting for five and a half years, said: "We have a nation built on a
proud heritage of peaceful protest. It is crucial now more than ever to keep
our stand at Parliament Square
as we are heading to another war, this time with Iran,
and people need to know that. We represent victims of war.
Square is the most symbolic position for grass
roots campaigners to highlight their causes. It is a world stage that is
photographed every day by tourists and locals alike. We have a powerful message
and we should be allowed to send it out."
Surgeons resign over cuts
of Surgeons is investigating the resignation of five surgeons at the Royal
London Hospital
in Tower Hamlets and one surgeon from Bart’s Hospital over cuts in resources
which, they say, endanger patients’ safety.
A lack of plastic
surgeons, anaesthetists, beds and equipment meant patients with non-life
threatening injuries routinely had operations cancelled.
One whistleblower
said that patients were left with open wounds for six days while waiting for a
slot. When they were finally operated on, bones often healed badly or infection
set in leading to long-term complications, the source added.
The resignations,
which all happened in recent months, mean almost half the hospital's 12
orthopaedic surgeons have now handed in their notice.
In his resignation
email to colleagues orthopaedic surgeon Dr David Goodier, said: “I can no
longer stand idly by when patients are physically harmed by the care they
"The supplies
situation is dangerous. We are regularly out of kit, out of nurses, and always
out of beds.
"We have become so used to this situation it is no
longer seen as a crisis, it is the norm.
"I did an
operation last week on a fracture that kept getting bumped by more urgent
"It was three
weeks down the line and healed in a bad position. There was nothing I could do
for him.
"I look patients
in the eye and tell them they might sit around for five or even six days of
starving for an operation that might get cancelled at the last minute."
He concluded: "I
have been complicit in a poor standard of trauma care and am guilty of
negligence by association.
"I can no longer
stand idly by when patients are at best having their human rights breached, and
at worst physically harmed by the care they receive."
Oppressive policing provoked riots
HEAVY handed policing and the use of the stop-and-search
laws – reintroduced under the Blair government as an anti-terrorism measure –
against young black people fuelled much of the anger and rioting that flared
suddenly last August.
This was the conclusion
of a lengthy study by the London School of Economics and the Guardian newspaper
that interviewed 270 rioters.
Of those interviewed,
85 per cent cited anger at policing practices as a key factor in why the
violence happened.
Many cited repeatedly
being stopped and searched whenever they went outside their homes, seeing close
friends and relatives treated with brutality and groups being rounded up who
just happened to be in the same place but did not know each other and being
treated as a gang.
The complaints were
remarkably similar from rioters all around Britain
– and very similar to those made 30 years ago to the Scarman inquiry into the
Brixton riots of the early 1980s: police taking advantage of their powers to
make life hell for people they just did not like – mainly because they were
The Association of
Chief Police Officers said it was not surprised such a study saw police cited
as a factor. “But August also showed the ability of our police to restore order
using robust, common sense policing in the British way," it said.
The former
Metropolitan Police Chief Sir Ian Blair and a Tory spokesperson made similar
comments on the BBC’s Newsnight programme
during a discussion of the report.
They were saying the
reason why these rioters hated the police is because criminals always hate the
police – completely missing the point that it is their approach that is
criminalising a whole community.
One measure
particularly irked many of the rioters. Previously police who stopped and
searched youths were obliged to give them a written note with an account of
what had happened and details of how and where to complain about inappropriate
The Con-Dem Coalition
has done away with this as part of its “war on red tape”. But it leaves police
unaccountable for the way they pick on people to stop and search and their
victims with no redress.
The riots began on
Tottenham two days after the police shot and killed Mark Duggan, a young black
man, who turned out to be unarmed, contrary to police claims.
His family and
friends staged a small demonstration to the police station, demanding to speak
with senior officers for an explanation. The police ignored them for three
hours until anger boiled over and the rioting began with the burning of a
police car.
One rioter was on
holiday when he heard about the riots but returned to take part. He said: “As
soon as I saw that, I was happy, like. For some reason I just wanted to be
there. I actually wanted to burn the cars," he said.
"What I've been
through my whole life, police have caused hell for me... now was my opportunity
to get revenge."
Interviewed on the BBC's
Newsnight, he said the Government had made it hard to get jobs, cut people's
benefits, and made university unaffordable.
"We thought,
'Okay, you want to financially hurt us?' We'll financially hurt you by burning
down buildings. "That was the best three days of my life."
Meanwhile former Met
Police Chief Lord Stevens has said he believes public disorder will be one of
the major problems facing police over the next 18 months.
Launching a
commission into policing in England
and Wales set
up by Labour, he said his feeling was that the coming months would be
"very difficult".
He said he was
worried about unemployment and rising crime – police would have to be
"match fit" to cope.
Crossbencher Lord
Stevens also stressed the commission would be non-political.
Friday, December 02, 2011
Marching through London on Wednesday |
by Daphne Liddle
MILLIONS of workers last Wednesday took part in a historic national
strike that closed 21,000 schools as well as thousands of libraries,
council offices, parks, courts, job centres, benefit offices and other
government offices. And many thousands more workplaces were closed or
seriously affected by industrial action throughout the UK.
Hospitals remained open for emergencies and essential care of in-patients but all other work was off for the day.
Unions estimate that around two-and-a-half million public sector
workers took strike action, making it the largest strike in terms of
numbers in Britain ever.
PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: “I have been to pickets
around central London and spirits are sky high with many other unions
besides PCS out on strike.
“People should be very proud of the stand they are making today in contrast to the shame of the Government.
“Public sector workers have come together today to show their united
opposition to the government’s prolonged and concerted attacks on their
pensions, jobs and communities.”
Many workers sent their message to the Government by simply staying
at home but throughout the country hundreds of thousands took part in
over 1,000 local marches and rallies, with bigger marches in all major
towns and cities. For many it was the first industrial or political
action they had ever been involved in.
The Con-Dem Coalition cannot now possibly say that the opposition to
their cuts and their robbery of public sector pensions is down just to a
few “militant union leaders itching for a fight”.
When he launched that remark last week, Education Secretary Michael
Gove had it the wrong way round. Some of the union leaders would have
preferred a quiet life; the pressure for this action has come from the
rank and file. But the leaders are now shaping up to the battle that has
landed on them.
It is important now that the unions carry on the momentum and start
preparing for the next strike. It should not be hard; the morale on
today’s well attended picket lines was very high and the Chancellor
George Osborne has added to the workers’ anger by promising a one-per
cent cap on their pay rises — after a two year freeze, while inflation
is around five per cent — and hundreds of thousands more job cuts in his
vain efforts to balance his books.
This strike has hit the Government and a lot harder that it expected
but it will not fall or back off yet. More strikes, more rallies,
meetings and pickets are needed. But now the workers know their fight is
effective and they can win.
This confidence is what will win the war against capitalism.
This strike could also go down in history as the first really big
national strike where most of the strikers, pickets and marchers were
women. The working women of Britain are no longer submissive and lacking
in confidence.
One Unison picket in south London said she had told two children on the
picket line with their mother: “You may not believe it now but in years
to come when you are grown up and people still talk about the great
public sector pension strike, you will be able to say, ‘I was there, at
the strike rally at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital’.”
Livingstone Fare Deal campaign launch
By Theo Russell
KEN LIVINGSTONE, Labour’s London
mayoral candidate, last week told his first major campaign rally, in Camden,
that transport fares must be cut “on transport grounds to make the system more
attractive, but also on economic grounds to put ordinary Londoners first by
putting money back in the pockets that will boost the London
In the last two years
fares have risen by 21 per cent – 13 per cent above inflation – and Tory mayor
Boris Johnson plans another 20 years of above-inflation rises.
A single bus fare
with an Oyster card has risen 56 per cent since 2008, and zone 1-6 travel cards
22 per cent, hitting Londoners already suffering the effects of recession.
Livingstone told 500
people at the Camden Centre in King’s Cross that if re-elected he would cut
overall fares by five per cent in autumn 2012, with no increase in 2013. After
that fares would rise by no more than RPI
(Retail Price Index) inflation.
Livingstone has
identified Johnson’s weak spot on transport – a £728 million Transport for London
operating surplus in the last financial year, which is growing every year.
Johnson has scrapped
plans for disabled access at 18 tube stations, indefinitely postponed upgrade
work on the Piccadilly, Bakerloo and Central lines, and cancelled the Croydon
Tramlink extension and Docklands Light Railway extension to Croydon and
public transport is the most expensive in the world, but Johnson’s hatred of
trade unions and mismanagement by his big business appointees have resulted in
major delays on the underground almost daily, with only seven months to go
before the Olympics.
The rally heard from
young Labour supporters that Londoners are being forced to turn down job and
education offers due to high fares. Yet Boris Johnson, who earns £430,000 as
mayor, told a BBC interviewer that the
£250,000 a year he gets for a weekly column in the Daily Telegraph was
“chicken-feed” – a statement which surely ranks alongside Marie Antoinette’s
“let them eat cake”.
Labour MP Tom Watson
told the meeting: “No wonder he can’t understand what a seven per cent increase
in transport costs (planned for January) means to ordinary Londoners”.
Livingstone said that
in 2000-08 while he was mayor, n umbers of bus passengers rose by half while
bus fares fell nine per cent, and tube fares rose by only 1.4 per cent. His bus
strategy was so successful it was copied by cities across Britain.
dilapidated, unreliable and poorly staffed overground rail network was also
transformed under Livingstone with new stations, trains and tracks, service
frequency doubled, and lines re-opened, and has just been voted Britain’s
best railway.
As mayor Livingstone
obtained £5 billion to build affordable homes in London,
but although these were planned to be available by April 2012 Johnson is
refusing to publish figures for new housing.
While house building
has collapsed, Johnson and Tory and Lib-Dem run councils have drastically cut
quotas for affordable homes in new developments.
Livingstone also
plans to restore all Johnson’s policing cuts, including plans to axe 1,800
officers after the Olympics, and 900 lost through a recruitment freeze.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Don’t put the clock back say women marchers
By New Worker
AROUND a thousand angry women, along with friends and
supporters, last Saturday marched from Temple
to Whitehall to demand that the
Con-Dem Coalition stop making cuts that take away women’s chances of an equal
The march, organised
by the Fawcett Society, was a protest at the way the cuts are turning back the
clock on women’s rights and freedoms.
Many marchers wore
1950s style clothing – from French Haute Couture to overalls, pinnies, hairnets
and head scarves with rubber gloves, to make the point that this was an age
they did not want to go back to.
In what it describes
as its first nationwide "call to arms" in nearly a century-and-a-half
of activism for women’s equality, the Fawcett Society urged people to turn out
to deliver a message to David Cameron that his austerity measures threaten to
"turn back time" on women's rights.
Similar rallies were
held in other cities, including Coventry,
Bristol and Manchester,
and finished with tea parties.
In Oxford,
a 1950s-themed "flash mob" took place with some marchers coming in
handcuffs the most to chain themselves symbolically "to the kitchen
The Fawcett Society
has previously shied away from militant feminism in favour of measured,
persistent campaigning.
But last week the
number of women out of work reached 1.09 million, the highest in 23 years and
Fawcett's acting chief executive, Anna Bird, said there was no time to lose.
"We think we are
very much at a watershed moment for women's rights in the UK,"
she said. "We think that the impact of austerity has brought us to a
tipping point where, while we have got used to steady progress towards greater
equality, we're now seeing a risk of slipping backwards. We cannot afford to
let that happen."
Women will generally
be harder hit by cuts to benefits and public services such as SureStart
children's centres, and will be more likely to take on roles, like caring for
the long-term sick and elderly, which will plug the gaps once such state
services have been withdrawn.
But the Fawcett
Society believes the most serious damage is being done in the jib market, as 65
per cent of the public sector workforce, female employees will be
disproportionately affected by job cuts.
last week released a "tool kit" guide to raising awareness about the
impact of the cuts on women; it estimated that 325,000 of the 500,000 people
who will lose their jobs as a result of public sector cuts will be women.
Dave Prentis,
general secretary of Unison, said: "Is it any wonder that the coalition
are losing the support of women voters? It is a triple whammy for women who are
being hit hard by unemployment, the rising cost of living as well as cuts to
benefits and services to young people."
Many of the marchers
had experienced first hand the impact of the cuts. Maggie Cowan, 59, from
Walthamstow in north-east London,
is one of those: after working in the careers service for 22 years, she was
made redundant in July as an indirect result of local authority cuts to
Connexions advice centres. Because of the closures, the organisation that
employed her decided to close its head office. Of about a dozen of her
colleagues, only one was male.
Since September, she
has had a part-time job on a temporary contract working with young people to
try to keep them in education. But the summer was hard.
"I was anxious,”
she said. “Looking for work is difficult – because of my age and I accept I may
not look like the best prospect," she joked. "I applied for lots and
lots of jobs … I just seemed to be filling in application forms and sending off
CVs left, right and centre."
As her contract is
due to end in the spring, Cowan, the breadwinner in her family, admits she is
insecure. "I have to be really careful about how much money I spend
because come next March I don't know what I'll be doing," she said.
"There is pressure. The only other time in my life I haven't worked is
when I stopped to have my children."
Fawcett has outlined
policies it wants the Government to take, including the ring-fencing of funding
for SureStart children's centres and pressure on local authorities not to cut
services concerned with combating violence against women.
LRC: Resistance is our role
Daphne Liddle winning the argument |
By New Worker correspondent
BANKERS are taking over the political protest and our role
is to resist this Labour MP John McDonald told the annual conference of the
Labour Representation Committee, which packed out the main hall at the
University of London Union last Saturday.
He spoke on the
unprecedented austerity attack on our class, the need to defend ourselves and
the need to present a concrete alternative model to oppose that of the bankers.
He praised those
occupying the churchyard of St Paul’s
Cathedral, next to the London Stock Exchange and the threat from the City of London
Corporation to evict them.
“We should be
campaigning for the abolition of the City of London
Corporation,” McDonnell said.
Symeon Brown, a community
worker from Tottenham gave a moving speech on the effects of the cuts to
services on the low income people of Tottenham.
He said: “Prior to
the riots there were protests against the cuts but they were ignored.
“After the riots
people were asking ‘Why?’ – as if they lived in a vacuum and had not seen what
has been going on.”
He described the
local people, especially the black community, who had lost so much just before
the riots as “victims of the most drastic cuts”.
“You will never know
unless you live there, so many people suffering so much. How do you feel when
the very services on which you are reliant are being cut? Has a single
generation ever lost more gains?”
Phien O’Reachtigan
also made a moving speech on behalf of the travelling community. He pointed out
that their community is referred to as the Irish travelling community even
though they have been in this country for 900 years.
He told the
conference that the people evicted from Dale Farm are still there in the area
because they have no other place to go and that racist hate against them is not
only tolerated but encouraged.
“They keep telling us
to go back where we came from. We are part of Britain.
If all people were to go back to their original countries we would all go back
to Africa. Our ancestors left there and they were all
travellers once.”
Steve Acheson, an
electrician who has been blacklisted for many years for his trade union
activities, spoke about the current long-running dispute between construction
site electricians and the giant companies that are planning to cut their pay by
36 per cent and their terms and conditions.
They have protested
every Wednesday for several months now; focussing on a different big
construction site every time and already one of the employers has back away
from the plan to cut.
Most of the
resolutions to conference concerned the fight against the cuts and putting
pressure on Labour leaders to present a real, socialist alternative.
And most resolutions
were uncontroversial, receiving near unanimous support.
But the resolution
from the New Communist Party concerning the Nato violent overthrow of the
government of Libya
– and the need to defend Syria
from a similar attack, sparked a real debate that divided the conference
Many delegates to the
conference, although against Nato and imperialism in general, were unaware of
the history of Libya
and had swallowed western propaganda that it was an old fashioned brutal feudal
Arab dictatorship.
Moving the resolution,
Daphne Liddle explained that Gaddafi had been
given the demonisation treatment that so many leaders of small countries
opposed to western imperialism have been given and that Libya had pursued many
progressive policies, including setting up Opec to ensure that oil revenues
went, at least to some extent, to benefit the people of the countries where the
oil was extracted.
This was fiercely
opposed by some delegates but was also supported by peace activists who agreed
that bombing civilian populations was no way to liberate them.
One young woman Arab
delegate also stunned the less-well informed delegates by explaining that the
Gaddafi government has given full equal rights to women, protected them from
male violence and angered some of the more reactionary and powerful forces in
the country by granting women equal rights to inherit land.
“But now they have
Sharia law imposed and the forced marriages and child marriages, the stonings
and beatings, the genital mutilation and the enslavement of women will all come
The motion was passed
with 79 for, 48 against and 39 abstentions.
- LRC report of conference
- text of the NCP motion on Libya agreed at conference
This conference opposes all interference by Nato and other imperialist forces in the internal affairs of Syria and/or Iran, following the outcome of the Nato intervention in Libya that has enforced a regime change, without any democratic mandate, for the sole benefit of western oil companies.
The Nato forces obtained a United Nations mandate to impose a no-fly-zone on Libya, ostensibly to protect human lives. They used this mandate to unleash a campaign of terror bombing that cost thousands of civilian lives and to support reactionary stooges, including elements of Al Qaeda, as a front for the violent overthrow of a government that used its oil revenue to provide a high social wage for the Libyan population and to provide generous and frequent humanitarian famine relief for other African countries.
The Libyan government has now been replaced by a divided group of puppets which include violent racists responsible for the massacre of many black African workers in Libya.
Nato is now seeking a UN mandate to impose similar carnage in Syria – a country of mixed ethnicities, cultures and religions, which is currently a secular state.
A Nato intervention in Syria can only destabilise the whole region, leading to inter-racial, inter-religious and inter-ethnic carnage and bloodshed.
We deplore the pretence of the defence of human rights to mask attempts to impose a new age of imperialist colonialism in the Middle East and call on the United Nations to defend the sovereignty of small nations against imperialist aggression.
International solidarity with Democratic Korea
Alejandro Cao de Benos and Dermot Hudson |
By New Worker correspondent
FRIENDS of the Korean people from
home and abroad gathered last Saturday for an international meeting of the
Korean Friendship Association (KFA) in central London.
Leading activists in the Korean solidarity movement including KFA President
Alejandro Cao de Benos, Dermot Hudson from the
UK KFA and others from Europe and Africa
took part in the conference. But others from Pakistan,
Bangladesh, Thailand
and Russia were
prevented by the Foreign Office from entering the country.
November marks
the 12th anniversary of the establishment of the Korean Friendship
Association. Over the decade the KFA has become the authoritative and authentic
friendship body promoting solidarity with the DPRK. Perhaps the greatest
achievement of the KFA has been to spread an understanding of the DPRK among an
audience of millions, particularly young people through the medium of the
Internet and other resources.
While the morning session was
devoted to internal organisational matters the afternoon was spent in open
discussion on building solidarity with the DPR Korea.
In his keynote speech KFA president Alejandro
Cao de Benos said: "Frequently people around the world talk about
'personality cult' or 'state religion',
but out of their ignorance they cannot understand that the admiration
and the lapel pin on the heart of every Korean comes from genuine respect
towards a great man who did so much for others but never thought of himself.
This is why is our duty and honour to safeguard the works and life of
Generalissimo Kim Il Sung, to spread this knowledge worldwide and shield Korea,
the country of Juche against any enemy attack”.
messages were received from the DPRK embassy in London
and the Pyongyang mission of the
Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front of south
Korea and the conference unanimously
endorsed a solidarity message to the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il .
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Arab spring or imperialist Trojan horse?
By New Worker correspondent
FRIENDS and comrades met in central
London last Friday to take part in
a debate on the Arab Spring and its relevance to the struggle against world
imperialism. Prof Kamal Majid, a vice-president of the Stop the War Coalition,
and New Communist Party leader Andy Brooks kicked off the discussion with
openings on the recent upheavals in Tunisia
and Egypt,
Nato’s invasion of Libya
and imperialism’s growing threat to Syria.
The speakers
reported the stance of the communist movements in Syria
and Tunisia and
the issue was taken up by other participants, who also raised the concept of
the “national bourgeoisie” and questioned whether such a class now exists in
the Arab world.
The meeting,
organised by the NCP’s London District, was the fourth and last of this year’s
series of talks on contemporary issues. A new series of talks is planned for
the New Year.
Raising the flag for the Russian revolution!
Tony Nicolaides bringing greetings from his father |
By New Worker correspondent
THE GREAT OCTOBER Russian Revolution is commemorated all around the world and every year the 1917 Bolshevik revolution that established the first workers’ and peasants’ state is celebrated by communists and progressive working people all around the world.
for many years friends and comrades have gathered at the New Communist Party
Centre to take part in the Party’s traditional celebration of the greatest
event of the 20th century. Guests included comrades from the
Socialist Labour Party, Second Wave Publications and, as usual, the old print
shop was transformed into a bar and buffet for the event.
chairperson Alex Kempshall kicked off the formal part of the evening of
tributes to the achievements and sacrifice of the Soviet people throughout the
20th century by reading a message from the RCPB (ML).
This was followed by Tony Nicolaides, who read
out a message that came, along with a very generous donation to the collection,
from his father – a retired founder member of the party who now lives in a
former Soviet Baltic republic. Tony briefly worked at the Centre in 1979 when
his father, Nick, was the leading Soviet
Weekly organiser in London.
Then John McCloud
of the Socialist Labour Party spoke about the relevance of socialism in the 21st
century and Kumar Sarkar of Second Wave
Publications recalled the heady events
of the past year at home and internationally.
Finally NCP
leader Andy Brooks paid tribute to the sacrifices of the past, the need for
struggle today and the certainty of victory tomorrow. Naturally, no NCP event
can ever take place without a collection for the fighting fund. This year we
marked the occasion by also producing a special NCP 2012 calendar for sale on
the night as an added fund-raiser for the monthly appeal. That, together with
the rousing appeal from NCP Treasurer Dolly Shaer and the commitment of all our
friends and comrades, raised over £732 for the fighting fund!
- We still have some 2012 calendars in stock at £3.50 post free from NCP Lit, PO Box 73, London SW11 2PQ. Every month is illustrated with labour movement shots taken by our own photographers over the past year.
Remembering the Soviet sacrifice in WW2
By New
VETERANS, local dignitaries,
ambassadors and members of political and community organisations gathered in
Southwark last Sunday for a ceremony of remembrance at the Soviet War Memorial
in Geraldine Mary
Harmsworth Park
in the grounds of the Imperial War
They included the veterans of the Arctic
Convoy Club with their distinctive white berets, who grow fewer in number very
Local Southwark Liberal Democrat MP Simon
Hughes was there, who is continuing to support their long struggle for
recognition in a specific campaign medal, which they have never been granted.
The previous Labour government extended the
Atlantic medal to include them and granted them a lapel badge. But there is
still no real recognition for the extreme difficulty and hazards of their
journeys, in sub-zero temperatures and preyed upon by U-boats.
Many suspect this is because the Soviet
Union did recognise their heroism and granted them medals and the
British state resents those who accept medals from socialist states.
Now Prime Minister Cameron, after promising to
award them proper medals before the 2010 election, has changed his mind
apparently on account of the costs involved.
Also present wearing authentic Soviet uniforms
from the 1940s, were members of the British Second Guards Rifle Division Red
Army re-enactment group, the largest of its kind in Europe.
These enthusiasts, with their replica red hammer and sickle banner bearing a
portrait of Lenin, triggered a positive emotional response from members of the
London Russian community in attendance and other older people.
New trial for Stephen Lawrence murder suspects
by New Worker correspondent
THE MURDER of black teenager Stephen Lawrence in Eltham,
south-east London, over 18 years ago, was just one of a series of racist
murders in the area but made history because of police failures to pursue the
case properly and because of his family’s determination to hold the police to
account and to seek justice for Stephen.
Stephen Lawrence, 18,
and his friend Duwayne Brooks, were attacked in 1993 by five youths shouting
racist abuse in 1993 as they waited for a bus.
Brooks succeeded in
fleeing them but Stephen Lawrence was overtaken and fatally stabbed.
Police mishandling of
the case compromised the evidence – by allowing the chief witness, Duwayne
Brooks, sight of the suspects at the police station and so leaving his
identification evidence open to being challenged in court.
They also reacted
slowly to collecting forensic evidence, leaving the suspects time to dispose of
the weapon and contaminated clothing.
The Crown Prosecution
Service refused to bring a case and a private prosecution brought by the family
failed because Brooks' evidence was ruled inadmissible.
But now a new case is
being brought by the Crown Prosecution Service based on forensic evidence on
the clothing to two of the suspects using micro analysis techniques that were
unavailable 18 years ago.
Opening the trial
against Gary Dobson, 36, and David Norris, 35, the prosecutor Mark Ellison QC
on Tuesday picked out racism as the main motive for the murder.
"The only
discernible reason for the attack was the colour of his skin," Ellison told
the jury. The way in which the attack was executed indicates that this group
were a group of like-minded young, white men who acted together and reacted
together. They shared the same racial animosity and motivation."
The jury was told
that the key to the case against Dobson and Norris was new scientific evidence
which had not been available at the time of Lawrence's
death. No one had ever been able to identify the youths involved in the attack
– that remained true today, Ellison said.
The new tests, carried
out by a different firm of forensic scientists who specialise in reviewing old
cases, had retrieved textile fibres, blood and hair linked to Lawrence on the
clothing seized from the defendants when they were first arrested in connection
with the murder in May 1993, the court heard.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Jarrow youth demand action for jobs
by New Worker correspondent
A GROUP of young, unemployed activists last Saturday strode
proudly into Trafalgar Square
at the end of a 330-mile march from Jarrow in the north-east of England
to London in protest at the lack of
jobs and Con-Dem Coalition cuts that are “affecting everyone apart from the
The march began on
1st October and gathered support all the way along to be a couple of thousand
strong by the time it reached Trafalgar Square.
It was re-creating the famous Jarrow march of the unemployed from 1936 and the
marchers delivered a petition to Downing Street as they
passed on their way to the Square.
All the way along
logistics support from trade unions, especially PCS,
GMB, FBU and RMT, provided food, accommodation and transport of baggage for the
young marchers.
The rally in Trafalgar
Square was addressed by Chris Baugh on behalf of
the PCS union, Jarrow MP Stephen Hepburn,
former AEI worker Ian Harris, FBU general secretary Matt Wrack and RMT
secretary Bob Crow.
And one of the
marchers, Lizi Grey, whose great grandfather, Michael McLoughlin, had been on
the original Jarrow march, also addressed the crowd.
The 17-year-old
college student from Gateshead said: "The stories
I've heard from his son – my grandfather – were that they were very well
received in all of the towns that they went to, and we have had the same
"I think a lot
of that has to do with communities feeling that the cuts are starting to bite
and it's affecting everyone apart from the rich and the people making the
She added: "It's taken us five weeks to march the whole
330 miles but it feels amazing."
Chris Baugh spoke on the effects of the current “biggest
attack on the working class since the 1920s”.
He also spoke of the
build up to the national strike of public sector workers on 30th of the month
and the Government’s attempt to undermine support for it with a bogus offer of
a “better” deal. “It’s like have £10 stolen from you and being offered £1
Then he warned that
the battle is not just about the pensions robbery and not just about the fight
for a decent wage.
“We must reach out to
the millions of unorganised workers in the public and private sectors,” he
Ian Harris spoke
about the AEI factory where he had worked for many years that was closed
suddenly “with no procedure at all”, no notice and no redundancy money. “The
tax payers had to pick up the bill for that,” he said.
MP Stephen Hepburn
paid tribute to the dedication and enthusiasm of the marchers and to those
occupying the churchyard of St Paul’s
“That’s where the
cancer is,” he said, “In the City of London.” And he pointed out the similarity
of the attitudes of rich bankers in the City in the 1930s and now – only now
“with a computer switch they can put hundreds out of work and put hundreds of
families into misery”.
Bob Crow and Matt
Wrack both spoke about the socialist alternative to the capitalist system and
of unity with workers all over the world where similar cuts are being made and
working class resistance is growing.
Claire Laker, a PCS
officer from Mansfield, also
addressed the rally.
“Young people have
shown that far from being lazy or scroungers, they want a future with decent
jobs and education,” she said.
"The marchers
have received huge support up and down the country. People have fed them, put
them up and made it clear they back our demands."
She continued:
"We think it is unfair that in the 21st century, young people are facing
long-term unemployment.”There are almost a million young people out of work,
and the jobs market is not getting any better."
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Tax the rich for education!
by Daphne Liddle
THOUSANDS of students took to the streets of London on Wednesday to
repeat the message of last year’s march against the tripling of tuition
fees and the abolition of the Education Maintenance Allowance and the
privatisation of universities.
But this year the numbers were down to between 4,000 and 5,000 while
police number were much higher, after last year’s dramatic student
attack on the Tory party headquarters at Milbank.
Many students may have been deterred by a Home Office threat that the
police had permission to deploy baton rounds — plastic bullets — if
things got out of hand again.
This year’s demonstration was just as noisy and colourful but those not
part of it would have had difficulty seeing much of it for the numbers
of police. One photographer described it as a “walking kettle”.
The march, organised by the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts,
went from the University of London to Trafalgar Square — where a
breakaway group had set up a small encampment — then via the Strand and
Fleet Street to the City of London.
Very heavy cordons prevented the student march from any contact with
the anti-capitalist occupation of St Paul’s Churchyard.
The lead organiser of the demonstration, Michael Chessum, said: “Police
intimidation is unacceptable and irresponsible” and accused police
chiefs of acting in a “political and cynical manner to put people off
He added: “Our message to the Government is very simply: tax the rich to
fund education. Students are not going to accept these drastic cuts to
their futures. Young people won’t accept this.
“We are here back again and we will keep coming back until we win our demands that education is free and accessible to all.”
The students are a part of a huge and growing protest movement against
Con-Dem Coalition cuts and their march was not the only protest in
London on Wednesday.
Earlier in the day 300 electricians had brought traffic in the City to a
halt in part of a very long-running protest against employers’ plans to
change contracts without negotiation, cutting pay and conditions
And taxi drivers organised by the transport union RMT also held a
protest rally in Trafalgar Square over attacks on the licensed taxi
And all the major unions are now gearing up for the national one-day
strike of public sector workers on 30th November — and many private
sector unions are planning complementary support activities.
Unison was the first of the big unions to complete its ballot — a resounding yes for the strike with 245,358 and 70,253 against.
The Government tried to make much of a low turnout of 30 per cent.
Unison general secretary Dave Prentis responded: “Unison is a democratic
organisation whose members have the right to vote in strike ballots.
There was a 76 per cent vote in favour of action and that democratic
decision made by our membership is valid and legitimate and must be
“Democracy in the UK is not perfect, and we all need to look at why
turnouts have fallen. But for government ministers and business leaders
to question the legitimacy of our result is a bit rich?.
“If you follow our critics’ own logic, they would all have a rather shaky claim to power.
“For example in 2010 the Conservatives received only 23 per cent of all votes that could have been cast.”
The unions last week rejected a Government ploy of an “improved offer”
as merely a tactic to undermine growing public support for the big
And the giant union Unite has exposed the Chief Secretary to the
Treasury, Danny Alexander, for using misleading data to attempt to
manipulate public opinion over public sector pensions.
The Government’s dirty tricks show it is really anxious about the
planned strike — and others that are likely to follow it if the
Government does not abandon its policy of cuts.
But this government has got to go; no one except the richest is safe
from life-changing cuts to their standard of living and the poorest, the
disabled, children and the elderly stand to lose the most.
And of course the very future of our NHS depends on this government falling.
We must keep marching, striking, occupying and protesting until they do go.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Two cheers for Ed
TWO CHEERS for Ed Miliband who
came out in support of the St Paul’s
protesters last weekend. The Labour leader said that the protesters camped
outside St Paul’s Cathedral in London
presented a stark warning to the political classes and reflect a wider national
crisis in confidence about the values of those in business and politics.
But, while
clearly keen to align Labour with today’s mounting anger against the capitalist
class that is sweeping Britain
and the rest of Europe, Miliband was careful not to
endorse what he called the "long list of diverse and often impractical
proposals" of the protesters
Writing in the
Observer, Miliband described the Occupy
London protest and others around the world as "danger signals" that
only the "most reckless will ignore".
challenge is that they reflect a crisis of concern for millions of people about
the biggest issue of our time: the gap between their values and the way our
country is run,” Miliband declared. “I am determined that mainstream politics, and
the Labour party in particular, speaks to that crisis and rises to the
Labour leader hasn’t stuck his neck out that much. He’s got at least half the
Established Church behind him and he knows that most of the ruling class
themselves fear a Greek-style backlash and want to distance themselves from the
“let them eat cake” neo-con attitude that was the norm in Bush and Blair’s
days. And while he’s happy to lend half
a hand to a few hundred tent people parked in St Paul’s
churchyard he says nothing in support of the millions preparing for the biggest
strike in British labour history on 30th November.
Last week the Cameron
government made a revised pension offer to avert the public sector strike at
the end of the month. The offer, which would exempt those who stand
to retire within the next 10 years from the changes and gave slightly more
generous upper limits, did nothing to allay the major areas of union concern
such as increased pension contributions and later retirement. It was too little too late
and it’s been justly rejected.
talks about the gross inequalities in society. Like some of the media pundits
or Anglican bishops we see more frequently on TV these days, he talks about the
immense annual bonuses the City bankers pay themselves while their own staff
are paid peanuts and the unemployed and the elderly are forced to eke out a
miserable existence on a benefits system that is facing further cut-backs.
This certainly
more than what his predecessor, the wretched Tony Blair, would have ever said,
But Miliband is not making a case for social justice and he is essentially appealing to the
bourgeoisie to accept reform and help those at the bottom of the ladder climb
up a peg or two.
Former Labour premier Harold Wilson
once said that the Labour Party owed more to Methodism than Marx. Wilson may have been biased
towards his own Wesleyan church but he was certainly right about the Labour Party.
Wilson, like a number of other
Labour leaders in the 20th century, was a lay preacher. Though they
were all dab hands at extolling the virtues of Jesus none of them seriously
claimed that prayers not politics were the answer. But the politics they
espoused were those of reform, social-democracy and bourgeois argument to
deride and dismiss Marxist ideas and scientific socialism.
Working people have never
got anywhere with pious motions or cringing appeals to the supposed good
conscience of the bourgeoisie. Past victories were won only through
confrontation with the employers and their state machine. Today the working
class can only rely on the organised strength of the unions to defend their
rights, now under massive attack from the ruling class and the Tory-led
Coalition government. Resistance to the bourgeois onslaught on our living
standards will get a huge boost with a massive turn-out for the pensions strike
in three weeks time. Support the protest in St Paul’s but let’s make sure
it’s solid on 30th November!
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