Monday, November 12, 2012

Saluting the Red Revolution!

By New Worker correspondent

EVERY year communists and progressives all around the world pause to remember the outstanding achievements of the Bolsheviks that began with the overthrow of the old order in 1917.
            And for many years old friends and new have gathered at the New Communist Party Centre to take part in the Party’s traditional celebration of the greatest event of the 20th century. The old print shop was, once again, transformed into a bar and buffet for the event and NCP chairperson Alex Kempshall kicked off the formal part of the evening with a tribute to the eternal achievements and sacrifice of the Soviet people.
This was followed by Dermot Hudson of the Korea Friendship Association and John McCleod of the Socialist Labour Party who both spoke about the meaning of the October Revolution and its enduring relevance today.
Finally NCP leader Andy Brooks paid tribute to the sacrifices of the past and the lessons for the future before handing over to Daphne Liddle who made an appeal that raised £223 for the fighting fund.

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