Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Red October in London!

by New Worker 
Andy Brooks, Vijay Singh, Kumar and Thae Yongho

THE GREAT October Russian Revolution is celebrated by millions of communists all over the world and last weekend comrades and friends joined them at the NCP’s annual tribute to the greatest event of the 20th century.
            The print shop was, as usual, was transformed into a bar and buffet for comrades to meet friends old and new and greet the honoured guests who joined us on Saturday to honour the generations who fought and built the Soviet Union.
            Six communists took the floor during the formal part of the proceedings, opened by Party Chair Alex Kempshall, including Dermot Hudson from the UK Korea Friendship Association, Kumar from Second Wave Publications, Michael Chant from the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (ML) and NCP leader Andy Brooks as well as Prof Vijay Singh, the editor of the Indian Marxist journal Revolutionary Democracy and Thae Yongho from the embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
            Every comrade spoke of the lessons of the Bolshevik revolution led by Lenin and Stalin and the need to build the revolutionary movement in Britain to build the resistance to austerity and the creeping fascism of the ruling class.
They all spoke of the inspiration that the Great October Revolution had given to people in struggle all around the world – that oppressed workers had not only been able to overthrow a mighty imperialist empire but were then able to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat and start building socialism. In doing so they turned an economically backward country, barely emerging from feudalism in some parts, into a world power.
            This was taken up by Daphne Liddle in her spirited appeal for the New Worker fighting fund to keep our communist press going which raised £410 for our communist weekly!

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