Thursday, December 03, 2015

Eyewitness Korea!

Dermot Hudson, John Cooper and Thae Yongho
By New Worker correspondent
Comrades and friends braved the cold weather in London on Saturday 21st November to hear an eye-witness report of life in Democratic Korea and demonstrate their solidarity with the bright red bastion of socialism in Asia. Dermot Hudson, who took part in the celebrations in October to mark the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Workers’ Party of Korea, talked about the massive parade and pageant that he saw in the capital, Pyongyang, as well as the immense achievements of the Korean people who are constantly threatened by US imperialism and their south Korean puppets.
            He also talked about the day-to-day life of the people in the land of Juché where everyone has a job and no-one is homeless and where there is none of the drunkenness and drug-taking that sadly so typifies life in London and the other centres of the imperialist world. “It was a great visit and I was very disappointed to leave to go back to the capitalist world where everything seems so depressing and miserable,” he said. A view echoed by the other speakers that included Thae Yongho from the London embassy of the DPRK, NCP leader Andy Brooks and Sean Pickford from the Juché Idea Study Group of England.
            This was followed by a lively discussion and a buffet but not before saying farewell to John Cooper, a long-standing supporter of the DPRK, who is moving to Scotland this week. John, who took part in the 13th World Festival of Youth and Students in Pyongyang in 1989, was presented with box of shortbread by Dermot Hudson on behalf of the KFA along with the good wishes from everyone in the hall for his new life north of the border.

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