Saturday, August 03, 2019

Final farewell to Ann Rogers

andy Brooks, Michael Chant and Chris Coleman
By New Worker correspondent

New Communist Party (NCP) leaders joined other communists, trade unionists and peace activists to pay their last respects to Ann Rogers at her funeral in Ruislip last week. NCP leader Andy Brooks, together with Party Chair Alex Kempshall, and Daphne Liddle, Pat Abrahams and Peter Hendy from the Central Committee, paid tribute to the memory of a leading member of the NCP who was National Organiser and Editor of the {New Worker} during the turbulent times of the 1980s and 1990s when the very existence of the Party was at stake.
Throughout her life Ann worked tirelessly for peace and socialism in the union movement, CND and the NCP, and this was reflected in the solemn gathering at the Breakspear Crematorium in Middlesex last week. RCPB (ML) comrades Michael Chant and Chris Coleman were there, along with members of the Rogers family and many others who worked alongside Ann in local and national campaigns for peace and socialism.
The ceremony was opened by Kate Hobson from the Humanist Association, who focused on Ann’s life and her contribution to society that spanned the decades. Kate introduced Pat Abraham and Daphne Liddle, who both spoke about Ann’s life as a communist and her ground-breaking work as Editor of the {New Worker}. Beryl Pankhurst, a personal friend and fellow Woodcraft Folk member followed on with memories of Ann’s life.
The ceremony fittingly closed with a robust rendering of the {Internationale}, the communist anthem that does, indeed, unite the human race.

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