Saturday, August 03, 2019

The Korean Victory in 1953

Dermot Hudson and Andy Brooks

By New Worker correspondent

Friends of the Korean people met in central London last weekend to celebrate the defeat of US imperialism in the Korean War that began when the USA and its lackeys attacked north Korea in June 1950. It ended with the USA beaten to a standstill on 27th July 1953. Although the USA signed an Armistice, it still refuses to normalise relations with the people’s government in the north and the Korean peninsula remains divided, with the south still occupied by thousands of US troops.
The meeting, at the King’s Cross Neighbourhood Centre in central London, was called by the Korean Friendship Association (KFA) and opened by KFA Chair Dermot Hudson. He praised the role of great leader Kim Il Sung, who led the Korean people to victory over the US aggressors in the Korean War.
New Communist Party (NCP) leader Andy Brooks pointed out that although Hong Kong had returned to People’s China in 1997 under the formula of ‘one country – two systems’, it was often forgotten that it was Kim Il Sung who first put forward this proposal to end the partition of Korea with the establishment of a ‘Democratic Confederal Republic of Koryo’ in 1980. But the country still remains divided by a monstrous concrete wall built by the south Korean regime in the 1970s and the south remains occupied by US imperialism.
Realistic circles at the helm of the new south Korean government want normalisation and the return of their factories in the ‘special zone’ that was closed in 2016. But that can only happen if the USA recognises the northern government and all the imperialist sanctions are lifted. US President Trump has taken some steps forward in friendly meetings with Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) leader Kim Jong Un, but the US leader is still unwilling or unable to deliver the necessary measures needed to end the tension on the Korean peninsula.
A member of the anti-imperialist Italian community in London spoke about the need to support the DPRK against imperialism and the need to build solidarity with Democratic Korea was taken up by many others in the audience. The meeting closed with the showing of a popular DPRK film and much needed refreshments given the very hot weather in the capital over the weekend!

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