Monday, February 21, 2022

No, we can’t pay!

 By New Worker correspondent

Protestors gathered outside Downing Street on Saturday to condemn the spiralling cost of living, with demonstrations co-organised by the People's Assembly and held in over 40 towns and cities across the UK, including Parliament Square in the heart of the capital.
    Speaker after speaker spoke out about rising energy prices at the London demonstration, including a wide range of workers involved in industrial disputes. Unite members Arshad and Arnold, from Whipps Cross Hospital, joined the protest straight from their picket line, linking their fight against an insulting pay offer from an out-sourced employer to the broader issue of rising living costs.
    The protest also heard from United Voices of the World (UVW) security guard workers at Great Ormond Street Hospital, where staff are currently on strike for equal terms and conditions. One striking worker stressed the importance of their dispute as costs rise, telling the demonstration: "I opened my energy bill the other day and I almost cried – how can I afford that?”
    We also heard from Jaz from Birkbeck University and College Union (UCU) on the 10 days of strike action planned at universities across the UK over devastating cuts to pensions and deteriorating pay and working conditions – one example of many, of workers fighting back against a squeeze on living standards.
    Whilst there were many striking workers among those speaking from the platform and some trade union banners in the crowd, it is clear that there is still some way to go in mobilising the full support of the trade union movement around the campaign. The rally did, however, receive a message from Dave Ward (CWU General Secretary), who noted the importance of the movement having the full backing of the unions as it builds towards a bigger protest later in the year.
    The demonstration also heard from Paula Peters from Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC), who spoke movingly on the fight for a funded social care system free at the point of need, before warning the Tories that "your time is coming to an end, we're going to evict you".
    Former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn spoke last, highlighting the need to "stop the demonisation, and enhance the solidarity" in advance of protests planned in March and April: “Let’s make March even bigger. And in April we need a spring demonstration to fill the streets of London.”

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