Sunday, February 13, 2022

What it means to be a communist

by New Worker correspondent

Andy Brooks 
London communists discussed the problems of our movement at a joint seminar at the New Communist Party Party Centre last weekend. Called by the NCP and the RCPB-ML, comrades spent Saturday afternoon looking at the question of “what it means to be a communist – new and revolutionary today” in the Sid French Library in south London.
    NCP leader Andy Brooks, who chaired the session, said he hoped this initiative would be the start of a wider discussion within the ranks of the communists and the basis for future joint work to continue the dialogue on the crucial questions facing the movement.
    Discussion on deeper issues has always been sadly lacking in London. Although it’s true to say that before Covid you could go to a different left event every day of the week in London, these meetings were really gatherings of the converted organised by left groups to rally their troops and mobilise them for the campaigns of the day.
    Immense amounts of time have been spent analysing the past and trying to come to terms with the counter-revolutions that brought down the Soviet Union and the people’s democracies of eastern Europe, but there’s been very little talk in preparing for the future.
    But discussion is a luxury we can afford – and we can start best by looking at what does it really mean to be a communist in the 21st Century.
    The RCPB-ML leader, Michael Chant, said in a keynote opening that; “Taking the topic at face value, and giving an answer in a nutshell, one could say to be a communist means seeing the face of the New in the crisis of the Old, and working for the necessary change, for the transformation of the Old into the New, with revolutionary sweep.”
    These factors were taken up by other comrades who raised the issue of communist morality and the role of women in the movement, along with taking the principled stand and building the united front in the struggles to come.
    The afternoon soon passed by, but it was agreed to broaden the discussion by publishing the contributions in both parties’ journals and to hold another seminar in the very near future.

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