Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Eco-protesters in Westminster

by New Worker correspondent

Just Stop Oil campaigners were in Westminster last week making the case for an end to new oil, gas, and coal projects in the UK.  While one group of student supporters disrupted traffic in Waterloo others defied  draconian bail conditions to hold a protest sit-down picket outside the Houses of Parliament.
Three students defying their bail conditions banning them from ‘protesting without police permission’ for the next three months. The students then sat down on the pavement outside Parliament with placards and gave speeches through a megaphone. 
The repressive bail conditions had been imposed on the three after they were arrested for peacefully sitting outside Total Energies headquarters last week. 27 students were arrested that day, many of whom have had similar bail conditions imposed despite not being charged with any offence.
A Just Stop Oil Spokesperson said: “This criminal government is threatening young people’s lives by encouraging new oil and gas and changing the law at the behest of big oil corporations to ensure that no-one can stop them.” 
“The Met Police’s arbitrary imposition and enforcement of vague bail conditions is part of a campaign of intimidation to silence young people, who have every right to defend themselves against a government that is intent on annihilating their futures. The Police’s failure to arrest these three breaking bail is a tacit acknowledgement that they have overstepped their authority”.

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