Tuesday, July 11, 2023

No British arms to Ukraine!

by New Worker correspondent

Activists from International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity (IUAFS) gathered opposite Downing Street in London's Whitehall last week to demand an end to British weapons supplies to Ukraine. They carried placards including "No more more British weapons for Ukrainian Nazis!", "No more Challengers -  No more depleted uranium - No more Stormshadows", "No British boots on the ground in Ukraine", and "British troops and Spooks out of Ukraine!". The protest was joined by members of No2NATO - NO2WAR, and the No2NATO banner was displayed alongside the Solidarity with the Anti Fascist Resistance banner and a banner demanding freedom for Ukrainian political prisoners. The protest was covered in a report by the RT News English language Moscow studios, which included contributions from several members of IUAFS. IUAFS has now decided to hold protests in Whitehall on every last Thursday of the month, with the next protest scheduled for 27th July, 6.30-8pm.

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