Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Free the Elbit Six!

by New Worker correspondent

Palestinian solidarity activists gathered outside the High Court in London on Saturday to call for the freedom of Palestine Action prisoners, jailed for taking part in direct action protests against British-Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems. People have taken action in the UK, Canada, and France over the jailings. It came after high-profile campaigners, including Roger Waters of Pink Floyd fame, issued a joint statement condemning the British state’s persecution of the six people over their activism against the state of Israel.
Since Palestine Action launched in July 2020, their actions have caused severe disruption to Elbit's business, causing the closure of a factory in Oldham, and the Central London HQ.
The state has increasingly become more heavy-handed, six Palestine Action activists are currently in prison, and over a hundred more may face it. The judiciary is also cracking down, refusing bail in some cases, or accepting long established legal precepts, such a defence of necessity, the argument that a small offence is justified to prevent a greater harm from happening. 

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