Sunday, July 07, 2024

Welcoming visitors from Tibet!

by New Worker correspondent

NCP leader Andy Brooks joined friends and comrades to meet a delegation from Xizang, the modern term for Tibet, this week. The reception at the Chinese embassy’s Science Section in north London revolved around the theme of "A Beautiful and Happy Xizang" with a screening of a film about traditional Tibetan medicine and the new life that the people enjoy in the autonomous region on the roof of the world. This was followed by greetings from the Xizang delegation in a room decorated with traditional Tibetan scroll paintings.
Since the peaceful liberation of Xizang in 1951 and the suppression of the Dalai Lama’s imperialist inspire rebellion in 1959 the democratic reforms under the leadership of the Communist Party of China have led to earth-shaking changes in Xizang. The people – poverty-stricken serfs under the feudal regime of the Dalai Lama – now enjoy their fundamental rights in all spheres. 
Public health services have been elevated to a higher level in Xizang. The region provides a comprehensive public health-care system covering regular basic medical services, maternity and childcare, disease prevention and control, and Tibetan medicine and therapies.
Xizang is home to 49 public institutions of Tibetan medicine, and 94.4 per cent of township health centres and 42.4 per cent of village health clinics in the autonomous region offer Tibetan medicine services. Tibetan medicines are now being produced on a commercial basis, and the production of the medicine has been standardised and regulated.
The online Chinese Tibetan Medicine Database Platform was officially launched last year. It aims to combine, preserve and utilise the Tibetan medicine resources through modern technology. Tibetan medicine is a part of the Tibetan culture and a pearl in the traditional Chinese medicine. The digitisation of these resources is significant in standardising Tibetan medicine and preserving Tibetan culture. 

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