Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Camden Action for Palestine!

By New Worker correspondent

Activists from the Camden Palestine Solidarity Campaign marched from Camden Town to a Barclays Bank in Central London to demand it ceases its massive loans and investments to the criminal Israeli state. The protest came ten days or so after the then US president, Joe Biden, approved the resumption of deliveries of 500 pound bombs to Israel, followed shortly afterwards by Israeli attacks on two schools and a hospital in which dozens died. While Biden and Sir Keir Starmer reacted with outrage to Ukrainian lies about a Russian strike on a children's hospital in Kiev, promising more air defences for Ukraine, they had nothing to say about Israel's atrocities in Gaza in which hundreds of civilians are dying every week. On a more positive note, for the past three weeks the assortment of Zionist fanatics, EDL “football lads” types and Iranian monarchists have given up on their counter protests. 

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