Friday, July 20, 2018

Another Year of Struggle

Andy Brooks speaking
by  New Worker correspondent
Comrades gathered at the Party Centre last weekend to celebrated the founding of the New Communist Party, which was established by Sid French in July 1977. Friends and comrades, old and new, joined NCP leader Andy Brooks and Party Chair Alex Kempshall in celebrating the anniversary with speeches. food and drink, and welcomed honoured guests that included three candidate members of the Communist Party of China on a summer course at the London School of Economics, Korean Friendship Association chair Dermot Hudson and Marie Lynam from the British Posadist movement.
Some friends, such as our comrades in the RCPB(ML), were absent because they were taking part in the great Durham Miners’ Gala but their greetings, along with others that included the British section of the Italian communist party and the Workers Party of Korea, were read during the formal part of proceedings.
Sadly ill-health prevented NCP National Treasurer Daphne Liddle from joining us but everyone wished her a speedy recovery during the New Worker appeal, which was made by Alex Kempshall. The collection raised £424 for the fighting fund to ensure the continued production of the New Worker.

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