Friday, September 08, 2017

Farewell to an old friend

Jorge and Teresita at the presentation
By New Worker correspondent
Comrades and friends attended a reception on Tuesday to say goodbye to Jorge Luis Garcia, who is returning to Havana after four years as counsellor at the Cuban embassy in London. Diplomats, Cuban solidarity campaigners and members of London’s communist movements, including Andy Brooks from the NCP, gathered at the residence of the Cuban ambassador to thank Jorge Luis for all his help in building solidarity with Cuba over the past few years.
Ambassador Teresita Vicente Sotolongo paid tribute to Jorge’s sterling work during the formal part of the event, which included the presentation of an album of photos of highlights of his friendship work in Britain. Everyone wished Jorge a fond farewell and all the best in his future work in Cuba, and everyone hoped to see him again in London or Havana!

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