Tuesday, November 27, 2018

100 years of the KKE!

 By New Worker correspondent
Tilemachos Dimoulas speaking
NCP leader Andy Brooks joined hundreds of Greek and Cypriot communists celebrating the glorious 100-year-old history of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) at a meeting in London last weekend. Wood Green’s Cypriot Community Centre hall was packed to the rafters on Saturday to see a video tribute to the KKE that was founded in 1918 and hear an report of the current situation in Greece by Tilemachos Dimoulas, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of KKE.
The KKE was founded amid the flames of the October Socialist Revolution of 1917 .  From the very first moment of its foundation in 1918, the KKE stood unwaveringly as an advocate and defender of the Soviet Union, it opposed the Greek bourgeois class which along with others on an international level, tried to supress the October revolution at its birth.
Fourteen capitalist states participated in the imperialist intervention against the Soviet Union, with capitalist Greece being among them. The KKE called upon the Greek people to condemn and oppose the imperialist intervention. From its founding Congress, it addressed
a protest resolution for the intervention of the imperialists against the young Soviet power. The Greek communists of Odessa distributed proclamations to the population and the Greek troops, which called upon the workers not to turn their guns against their class brothers but
against the real enemy, the imperialists.
            Opposing dictatorship at home and supporting the fight against fascism in Spain the KKE took up the gun to fight the Nazis during the Second World War and fought  the royalists and their Anglo-American backers during the post-war civil war.
The KKE is at the forefront of the effort for the revolutionary regroupment of the International Communist Movement, the effort of creating a Marxist-Leninist pole in the international movement. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991  the Greek communists took important initiatives in order to rally the communist forces from all over the world, to organize the international meetings of communist and workers’ parties that began in Athens in the 1990s. Today the KKE keeps up the fight  against austerity and the European Union to defend workers rights to build the revolutionary movement in Greece and throughout the world.

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